Monday, July 21, 2008

Fun little game.

So my sister in law put this on her blog. I just want to know some of the responses that people might have. Blog about you favorite memory that you and I had together, and put it in the comment place. Then re post this blog on your blog and I will write a memory that I had with you. If you leave a comment I will assume you are playing. I will respond.


Denise said...

I always have fun when we are together! I think the funnest was when we would play cards on Sunday evenings. I loved playing with you guys and laughing over stupid things and eating your yummy flat oatmeal cookies! Good times...

Kathy said...

My favorite memory is Wendy's #6 with cheese, with a frosty and then our famous drive to the temple!!

Kristi said...

All the crap talk/ bonding we do.

Whitney said...

Always going to the park, or BK when it was to hot to go to the park. Going Swimming at your pool. The best going out to get cheese cake and just hanging.