Monday, May 5, 2008

Week one of Potty training.

Coleton has done a fabulous job of going in the potty. Yesterday he was trying to poop in the potty, but he was really having a hard time. I just don't understand that about little boys. Other than that he has almost no accidents. Maybe one a day, but that is it. I made a sticker chart for both he and Ashlynn, and they are both doing a really great job. I did not know that potty training could be this easy. Everyone always told me that girls were much easier to potty train than boys. But that is not true in my situation. So he is well on his way to being a big boy. The only thing I have to break him of. Is he thinks that we have to physically take him off the potty. And he will go all by himself, and then just start screaming at the top of his lungs. Telling us "I all Done".


Denise said...

Cool! You're lucky!

Ford Family said...

Very nice. Hey he might like sparkly shoes, but at least he's got the big boy underwear on right!

the W* family said...

Yay! That's so awesome! After the 2 years I spent potty-training Adam, I have absolutely no motivation to start with Grace. :) Good for them!