Wednesday, May 28, 2008

This is the latest with Ashlynn

Well the truth is we don't really know what happened to her toe. She was outside playing with her cousins and she just started to scream. So I went and got her, and her toe nail had started to turd black, and it was bleeding. So I went and doctored it up. We thought it might be broken the way she was acting over the whole thing. So I thought I would let her sleep on it and see how she was the next morning. That night she woke up screaming again, and I thought for sure it was broken. She went back to sleep and my mom was here with them the next day, and I called from work to see how she was doing, and my mom said she was doing fine. She was still limping, but was not crying or anything. I got off work and my mom picked me up, and she said that she thought I should have it looked at. We went to urgent care. They took x-rays and said that she did not break it, but that having the blood trapped under the toe nail like that make it very painful. So I have to put cold compresses on it every 3-5 hours, and he gave her and anti inflammatory, and some pain medicine. She is doing better it started to bleed tonight. So I was a mean mom and tried to get alot of the blood out. I did get some out, and she is all bandaged up, and playing again. So that is our excitement for the week.


stephanie said...

hey im so excited to have seen your cute family! I have a blog to so i will invite you. your kids are so dang cute!

Ford Family said...

Oh poor little thing! That looks like it hurts. But I am excited to see her next week!

Stephanie said...

Hey I'm a mean mom too! Brendan told me that I always lie the other, guess I should be a nicer mom every once in awhile!

Vanessa said...

Yikes! That was pretty crazy to open up your blog and see that. No fun. I think I would have been freaking out!

stephanie said...

Will you email me your email address so I can invite you to my blog? Kathys also? Thanks

Denise said...

ew gross! Poor kid! Still working on getting settled in the new you soon.