Well the truth is we don't really know what happened to her toe. She was outside playing with her cousins and she just started to scream. So I went and got her, and her toe nail had started to turd black, and it was bleeding. So I went and doctored it up. We thought it might be broken the way she was acting over the whole thing. So I thought I would let her sleep on it and see how she was the next morning. That night she woke up screaming again, and I thought for sure it was broken. She went back to sleep and my mom was here with them the next day, and I called from work to see how she was doing, and my mom said she was doing fine. She was still limping, but was not crying or anything. I got off work and my mom picked me up, and she said that she thought I should have it looked at. We went to urgent care. They took x-rays and said that she did not break it, but that having the blood trapped under the toe nail like that make it very painful. So I have to put cold compresses on it every 3-5 hours, and he gave her and anti inflammatory, and some pain medicine. She is doing better it started to bleed tonight. So I was a mean mom and tried to get alot of the blood out. I did get some out, and she is all bandaged up, and playing again. So that is our excitement for the week.