Wednesday, May 28, 2008

This is the latest with Ashlynn

Well the truth is we don't really know what happened to her toe. She was outside playing with her cousins and she just started to scream. So I went and got her, and her toe nail had started to turd black, and it was bleeding. So I went and doctored it up. We thought it might be broken the way she was acting over the whole thing. So I thought I would let her sleep on it and see how she was the next morning. That night she woke up screaming again, and I thought for sure it was broken. She went back to sleep and my mom was here with them the next day, and I called from work to see how she was doing, and my mom said she was doing fine. She was still limping, but was not crying or anything. I got off work and my mom picked me up, and she said that she thought I should have it looked at. We went to urgent care. They took x-rays and said that she did not break it, but that having the blood trapped under the toe nail like that make it very painful. So I have to put cold compresses on it every 3-5 hours, and he gave her and anti inflammatory, and some pain medicine. She is doing better it started to bleed tonight. So I was a mean mom and tried to get alot of the blood out. I did get some out, and she is all bandaged up, and playing again. So that is our excitement for the week.

First five day work week in 5 years

I just got home from my first five day work week in five years. I am so tired. In case anyone is wondering I did finally get a morgue call. Not as bad as I thought, just really heavy. I could not believe it. I just had the legs and had a hard time with that. But no suprises. Other than a baby in the morgue freezer. That was sad. I wanted to cry for those parents. I have had some really good learning experiances. And I love working in the hospital. It is so much fun.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Movie Review

We had a movie theater open down the street from us, and they are offering free movies first come first serve basis. We decided to take the kids to "Horton hears a Who" It was a really cute movie. If you have not already seen it I would recommend seeing it. Ashlynn loved it, but Coleton could not keep still. I guess that is just part of being a two year old. He did do pretty good though. Anyway it was a cute movie.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

My work week!

Oh my! I have no idea how I am going to do this. My job requires me to walk 14-17 miles a shift. And my body is not used to that. So I am trying to get used to it. I like my job alot. It is fun, and I had a very exciting day today. We had a patient code in the hallway on our way back from endo to CCU. So scary. We just pretty much stepped out of the way and let the CC Team take charge and luckily the guy did live. We didn't get a call to take any patients to the morgue so I still have yet to visit the morgue. So that was a very exciting day. The kids have been chillin with Grandma and Grandpa, and have been really good for my parents. They have been able to go play in the pool so that has been nice for my mom and dad. It has been so hot here. We got 111 degrees. Its only May what the heck. Oh it was hot. But it is cooling off for the weekend, but I have to go back to work and don't really get to enjoy the weekend. But that's okay I get paid big bucks on memorial day. So that is nice. Anyway that pretty much wraps up my first week of work. It been exciting.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Tempe Splash Pad

Scott's friend Chris graduated from college, and they invited us out to celebrate, and we went to Tempe Splash pad, and had dinner, and the kids had a blast. It was the coolest park ever. Then we went to the District and did some walking around and then we listened to a band play for a little while, and then we went home.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Water Day with Ashlynn

Today Ashlynn had a water day at school, and the parents were invited to come. Although not many people came we did go. We had snow cones and played with bubbles, and water. Coleton did not want to leave. I am sitting home all by myself right now with no kids. Ashlynn is still at school, and Coleton is at his cousins James house. So I am blogging.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

What have I dont this week....

...Oh I dont know seems like everything.

It all started with me getting a job offer, and on the same day I was called to interview with the same company for a different position. I was torn. I went to the interview to realize it was not a job that I wanted so that made my decision a little easier. I have been helping my sister move since wednesday, and I feel like I did practically everything. But she is taking me to American Idol on tour for my thank you, and I am so excited. I have never been to a concert. We finished moving her yesterday. It has been alot of work let me tell you. Thursday night I went to enrichment night, and learned all about photography, and this lady was amazing. You can check out her website at So the above picture is me practicing with my camera. I really want to become good at taking pictures. And she gave me so many helpful hints. She costs $200.00 for her to come and take your pictures, and she will spend as much time on you as you want, and take as many pictures as you want, She does alot of candid, and I love those pictures the most.

Last night we went to my nephews semi final state championship game, and they lost due to bad blue calls. It was terrible. The score board shows my nephews name on it, and the only point on the board was thanks to my nephew. He hit a line drive right down the left feild foul like, and then it got lost. It was a great hit. So that was cool, it was a really good game.
So tonight I am going out with my sister and her friend to go to Tiffany & Co. to watch her and her friend spend there money on jewlery, and then we are going to dinner, and then to see "babies moma" I have been dying to see this movie. It looks really funny. Scott has finished off the semester with good grades, and I have finished of the semester with good grades. So we are doing good. Scott has been talking to the hiring manager fo Bosewill Hospital Pharmacy, and she is trying to get him hired, but she has to get approval from her director, because he is not certified to be Pharm Tech, and does not want to waist 9 months of trying to get certified when he can gain the same education by working in the pharmacy. So that is were we are at right now. The kids are great. Ashlynn is finished with school on the 16th and I have no idea what i am going to do with her after that. She will start back up in august. Coleton is not as excited about potty training, but I am trying really hard to stay on top of it, so that I dont loose my oppurtunity to potty train him.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I Got the Job!!

So I got the job at the hospital, and though its not exactly what I wanted we will make due with it. Now Scott can give his two week notice, and look for a Pharm Tech job. I am really excited to work in a hospital, and even more excited that I work days, so taking dead people to the morgue wont be as bad as taking them in the middle of the night. But here is the problem I have. I have a job interview with the same company just a different location that is closer but has a weird schedule. So I am going to that tomorrow to see what the deal is with that. I think I am going to stick with the one I have already been offered, but I just figured I will go to this interview just to see what they have to offer. Anyway I start in like a week or two. I am so excited.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Week one of Potty training.

Coleton has done a fabulous job of going in the potty. Yesterday he was trying to poop in the potty, but he was really having a hard time. I just don't understand that about little boys. Other than that he has almost no accidents. Maybe one a day, but that is it. I made a sticker chart for both he and Ashlynn, and they are both doing a really great job. I did not know that potty training could be this easy. Everyone always told me that girls were much easier to potty train than boys. But that is not true in my situation. So he is well on his way to being a big boy. The only thing I have to break him of. Is he thinks that we have to physically take him off the potty. And he will go all by himself, and then just start screaming at the top of his lungs. Telling us "I all Done".

Sunday, May 4, 2008

This is a real man!!!

Oh this kid just makes us laugh. We are trying to get him to be a boy, but unfortunantly having an older sister makes it hard and confusing for him. He just loves to do whatever his sister does.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Our Family

This is going to be the family picture this year. Poor Coleton was running a fever, but he had to be there for the photo shoot, and I am glad that he was. My mom and dad came to the resuce to take him home, and put him to bed. They came shortly after the reception started. So that is why he is so sad.