Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Fixed it
So I have been having alot of people comment about the fact that they are an author on my blog, and not just a reader. So I have fixed it. So you will all be getting an invitation again to my blog. Sorry about that, but I actually took the time to figure it out. Today I have a job interbiew with Thunderbird hospital. So I will let everyone know how it went.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Potty Training
So I am on to the next child. Although Ashlynn is not potty trained yet, but she is when she is home even down to pooping. But she does not do good at all when we leave the home. I think that is due to her Autism, and the fact that she is in her own world, and just forgets to think about it. When we are home she does fine, and has very little to no accidents. Ashlynn is loving school, and loves to ride the bus. So that makes putting her on the bus much easier. She comes home everyday singing songs, and just happy as can be. The bus driver tells me everyday that she just loves the bus, and sings wheels on the bus the whole time. Poor guy that is an hour worth of Ashlynn singing for 4 days out of the week.
With that being said Coleton went potty for the first time yesterday, and has wanted to go ever since. He has never gone on the potty before that. We have tried many times to get him to go with no luck. How ever Scott was putting the kids in the shower, and Coleton wanted to get on the potty so we put him up there, and he did it he went pee. I am so excited. So he wore underwear all day yesterday, and only had 2 accidents. Pretty good for the first day ever going potty. Today we continued our efforts, and he is loving it. He loves to fart on the potty so i am hoping that means that pooping wont be a problem. From what I understand that is the hardest part of potty training a boy. Ashlynn has been a pain to potty train so I was not excited to do another kid. But as it turns out Coleton is catching on very well. He has only had one accident today, and it was the cutest thing. He was playing in the backyard, and he came in crying, not really thinking I was trying to figure out where he got hurt. So the sweet boy that I have said "No mommy, no ouchies, dough potty." So I looked down and he had peed in his pants a little tiny bit. So I took him in to the potty, and he went pee. He loves to go all by himself, and he can do everything all by himself. So like it or not Coleton is being potty trained.
As for Scott he is ending his spring semester, and that means he only has a year left of pre reqs. So we are half way done. To be honest it has not seemed that long yet. I feel like we just left Vegas yesterday, but its been almost a year. WOW!!! He is still loving school, but he is getting straigh B's this semester. OUCH! So he has asked me if he can quit work for the fall semester cause his classes include. Organic Chem one with lab, Calculus with analytic Geomotry, Human Anatoy and Physiology one, and a statistics class. All pretty difficult classes. He says he needs alot more time to study. So I guess he wont be working. Not that I dont blame him. But Scott still loves school.
I have a job interveiw, at Thunderbird hospital tomorrow, and I am applying to be a patient transporter just so I can get my foot in the door at a hospital that is closer in town, that I can work at when I get my Phlebotomy certificate. I am also doing it because Scott wont be working this fall, and we are going to need some money. So that is stressing me out. not that he isnt a good dad, but nobody can be a mom to your own kids, but you. So I am feeling a little guilty for leaving them, but its only a time in our lives, and I am sure they will be grateful when I can spoil them some day. I took my finals for my online classes this weekend, and I got a B in both classes, which is not bad considering I finished 3 weeks early, and did not really study that much for the classes. So I thought that was good. I will be starting the Phlebotomy program in august, and will finish in November. So I cant wait to get that done.
Scott has also informed me that due to the cost of applying for MWU that he will not be applying there. We are going to move to Oregon when he is done with his classes here in Arizona. So we are moving to Oregon in a little over a year. So I am really excited for that. He is just going to try really hard to get in at Pacific University. Which will most likely happen right after we get there. That is our hope anyway. They are a little less competitive of a school to apply for seeing as how they have not been open long. At least for the 3 year Doctorate of Pharmacy program. So that is our life in a nut shell. And if you made it all the way through this post you must really love me.
With that being said Coleton went potty for the first time yesterday, and has wanted to go ever since. He has never gone on the potty before that. We have tried many times to get him to go with no luck. How ever Scott was putting the kids in the shower, and Coleton wanted to get on the potty so we put him up there, and he did it he went pee. I am so excited. So he wore underwear all day yesterday, and only had 2 accidents. Pretty good for the first day ever going potty. Today we continued our efforts, and he is loving it. He loves to fart on the potty so i am hoping that means that pooping wont be a problem. From what I understand that is the hardest part of potty training a boy. Ashlynn has been a pain to potty train so I was not excited to do another kid. But as it turns out Coleton is catching on very well. He has only had one accident today, and it was the cutest thing. He was playing in the backyard, and he came in crying, not really thinking I was trying to figure out where he got hurt. So the sweet boy that I have said "No mommy, no ouchies, dough potty." So I looked down and he had peed in his pants a little tiny bit. So I took him in to the potty, and he went pee. He loves to go all by himself, and he can do everything all by himself. So like it or not Coleton is being potty trained.
As for Scott he is ending his spring semester, and that means he only has a year left of pre reqs. So we are half way done. To be honest it has not seemed that long yet. I feel like we just left Vegas yesterday, but its been almost a year. WOW!!! He is still loving school, but he is getting straigh B's this semester. OUCH! So he has asked me if he can quit work for the fall semester cause his classes include. Organic Chem one with lab, Calculus with analytic Geomotry, Human Anatoy and Physiology one, and a statistics class. All pretty difficult classes. He says he needs alot more time to study. So I guess he wont be working. Not that I dont blame him. But Scott still loves school.
I have a job interveiw, at Thunderbird hospital tomorrow, and I am applying to be a patient transporter just so I can get my foot in the door at a hospital that is closer in town, that I can work at when I get my Phlebotomy certificate. I am also doing it because Scott wont be working this fall, and we are going to need some money. So that is stressing me out. not that he isnt a good dad, but nobody can be a mom to your own kids, but you. So I am feeling a little guilty for leaving them, but its only a time in our lives, and I am sure they will be grateful when I can spoil them some day. I took my finals for my online classes this weekend, and I got a B in both classes, which is not bad considering I finished 3 weeks early, and did not really study that much for the classes. So I thought that was good. I will be starting the Phlebotomy program in august, and will finish in November. So I cant wait to get that done.
Scott has also informed me that due to the cost of applying for MWU that he will not be applying there. We are going to move to Oregon when he is done with his classes here in Arizona. So we are moving to Oregon in a little over a year. So I am really excited for that. He is just going to try really hard to get in at Pacific University. Which will most likely happen right after we get there. That is our hope anyway. They are a little less competitive of a school to apply for seeing as how they have not been open long. At least for the 3 year Doctorate of Pharmacy program. So that is our life in a nut shell. And if you made it all the way through this post you must really love me.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Blind Prom Date!!!

So my nephew went on a blind prom date. I usually would not have pictures of my niece or nephews going to prom however this was a special date. Apparently this girl got dumped by her prom date a few days before prom, and was just so upset. Well here seminary teacher told my brother who is also a seminary teacher that he was really concerned about this girl, and wish that he could find a good guy to take her to prom. Well my nephew stepped up to the plate. He did not want to go to prom at all but he figured since it was a different school it would be okay. So they had to wait until after my nephews baseball game to go so they met at my parents house since it was close to where his game was. So at 9:30 the girl and her parents, and my nephew came to the house to get ready for the prom. It was really sweet of my nephew to do this. I guess the date didn't go that well. I don't know the details on it yet, but they just went home after the prom which is a pretty good indication that things did not go that well. The girls parents said that maybe this could me a missionary experience for my nephew. The girl is LDS but she is just struggling with her spirituality. But I would have to say she scored. She went with a senior varsity MVP for the baseball team who has a scholarship to play for SUU. I would have been happy.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
So was going through some pics on my computer and found these that brought back some memories. Man I was so excited to be having a little girl, and boy was she a big one. She just looks like she was happy to be out of ther and into the world. The other picture was of me when I was around 7 months pregnant with Ashlynn. I was so big.
Friday, April 25, 2008
I changed my blog
and I always loose all of my stuff. If I dont have you listed its because I dont know your blog address, please sent it to me again. Sorry I will stop changing things. My old blog was just to dark. Let me know what you blog is so I can add you.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
We are home
The wheels on the bus!!!

Getting buckled in

Getting on the bus

Waiting for the bus

Coleton being silly

My way cute preschool girl

So putting my daughter on the bus today was hard. I held back the tears, and let her go. She did a little better getting on the bus than she does going to class. We have been preparing her by singing songs, and what not. She did not even cry. It might be different tomorrow. I will post pictures of our home coming. But she is off to school until 1:30pm and then we will get her off the bus.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Broken Toe....
So I posted about this wonderful day I had yesterday. Well I forgot to mention that while I was over at my inlaws. I dropped a two liter bottle on my toe. This morning I woke up and it was so swollen and black and blue, and hurt like a mother. So I dropped Ashlynn off for her first day of school, and headed to the urgent care. After being there a while they concluded after an xray that I fractured my toe. So what do you do next I thought to myself. The doctor continues to tell me NOTHING. Ice it, and stay off of it. Right??? Cause thats possible with two kids. Anyway that is the story. Ashlynn's first day at school went fairly well. After I left she stopped throwing a big fit and just did what was asked of her. She seemed to really love it.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Shooting in the Desert

Today my brother took his wife, my mom, my dad, and me shooting in the desert. The story behind it is that my mom wanted a gun cause we live in the GHETTO, and she felt it would make her safer. Even though it is locked in a safe unloaded, and with the key hidden. But none the less we have a gun. Well she wanted to go use it to make sure she could shoot it. So we went. I go to shoot a 9mm, 45mm, 40mm, and a shot gun. It was so much fun. It was the first time for me. It was a blast I came in second place in the competition we had. So I guess I have a good aim I dont know.
Summer is here for us!!!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Ashlynn gets to start pre school next week for about a month and then she is out for the summer. She will also get to ride the bus. Which I am not sure how she will like that. But we will see. She will start back up at the beginning of august, and the she is in for the school year. She goes to school from 9:40-12:15 tuesday thru Friday. We are excited for her to start getting help and see how she improves. We are doing some other things for her to get started in some other programs. So I will keep everyone posted on those things as they come about. Yesterday was National Awareness for Autism, and they ran specials on CNN all day, and they are continuing some today.
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