And another semester down. Only two more and three years. Scott Aced another semester again. I am so proud of him. He works so hard. He hates to see me work, but him and I both know that it is totally going to be worth all this time and effort. Now Scott is going to be spending much of his time. Volunteering at Good Samaritan Hospital in the Pharmacy, and studying for a PCAT that is coming up in June (I think the 8th). So remember him, and wish him lots of luck. He is also looking for a part time job to do this summer. To earn a little extra cash. And then on to another semester. He is done with Chemistry. He should be a pro by now. Good job babe I am proud of you.
As for me.....well you know the same old things. Keeping busy. I have been going to Ashlynn's class more now that I have the time. I have also switched my schedule at work, and am enjoying it a ton more. At one point I was ready to quit my job, and throw in the towel. But then I started this new shift, and it is just awesome. The people are awesome. I know what to expect everyday, and I just love it. I am also on a big diet, and wanting to run a 5K in the near future. I am putting together a team for the walk for Autism. So anyone is welcome to join. More info to come on that. But over all I am hanging in there. Live most of my time STRESSED.
Ashlynn is doing well in school. I have had some concerns with her recently, but have spoken with her teacher about them, and she has given me some ideas and things to do with her this summer. And I have to mention that I just love her teacher. I have gained a relationship with her that i feel much more comfortable talking with her about Ashlynn. So we are going to work on some of that. But she is really progressing well. She will be starting at a new dance studio this July. I am sure I will post more pictures of them later on.
Coleton has been going through the evaluation process for his speech. He has been approved for services. So that means he and Ashlynn will be going to school together in August. Coleton is doing really well. He does not have a real serious issue or anything. He is just having a hard time with some of his letters. But the whole thing will be good for him. He has a harder time learning at home then Ashlynn did. So I am hoping preschool will help with that.
So this is the update on the family. I don't really have any pictures to share. I had a cute video of Ashlynn singing songs she learned from school, but I cant figure out how to download them onto the computer. So when i figure it out I will sure do that. We are also going on a few family vacations this summer. We are going camping for 5 days in June up north. Then I am having a sisters time, and we are going to see Wicked. I am so excited. Thats in July. Then we are going to Utah in August hopfully. We will have to see if I get the time off. I have request a total of a month this summer. They might get sick of it. It is truly for my own sanity.
Sounds like you have a fun summer planned!!
i love your updates and I am so proud of your whole family! Way to go Scott, keep it up Ashlyn, keep washing grandpa's car Coleton, and what the freak KATIE? I am thrilled to see you running and taking care of yourself! I am training for a running event too and would love to run on your team! Good luck and GO HARD! miss you!
fun summer plans! I am glad things with school and work are ironing themselves out.. I don't know how you guys do it. I bet having family there is great! I am jealous. I am so glad Ashlynn has such a great teacher you love and trust. I am so nervous for Hayden going to school and all that IEP stuff. But it's just new and I am sure over time I will figure it out :) Your kids are such cuties
Utah hopefully? what the heck - I "sharpied it"!!! j/k. Sorry you are so stressed. Congrats to Scott on being supersmart! We seriously need to chat!
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