Saturday, February 14, 2009

Great Buys

So I thought I would post a blog about my great buys. So if you know me well I never pay full price for anything, unless its food(I don't really have a choice with that one). I have gotten alot of comments on how my kids are always dressed in name brand. Now with that being said remember I never pay full price for anything. And I have a wonderful sister who dresses her girls really cute, and Ashlynn gets alot of hand me downs. So why buy cloths at Walmart for the same price you can buy name brand cloths at any other store. For example The pair of shoes above are Puma's for my son. I bought them for a whole $12.00. Now if you can recall how much are shoes at Payless. Ummm.... Around the same price right. If not maybe even more. I should have taken more pictures of some other things I have boughten for the kids, but I didnt. I got another pair of shoes for my son they are some really cute Crocs, yes name brand again. I bought them for $10.00 and we stopped by a croc store in Oregon, and I kid you not the same freakin shoes were $30.00. You just have to be at the right place at the right time, and know where to shop also. So just to clear the air I am a bargin shopper. Dont be afraid to walk into an expensive store you can and will find things you like for great prices.

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