This is kind of like the 25 things - except there are pre-decided questions and it's about you and your spouse, not just you. Then tag whoever you want to do this! Come on, play along - inquiring minds want to know! ;-)
♥ What are your middle names? Christopher and Ellen
♥ How long have you been together? 5+ years
♥ How long did you know each other before you started dating? about 2 years
♥ Who asked who out? hmmmm.... I think it was mutual
♥ How old are each of you? Scott just turned 29, and I'll be 26 this year
♥ Whose siblings do/ did you see the most? We definently see mine the most, but we do see his alot.
♥ Do you have any children together? DOS
♥ What about pets? NO
♥ Did you go to the same school? Nope
♥ Are you from the same home town? No
♥ Who is the smartest? Definently Scott he is pretty smart
♥ Who is the most sensitive? Me
♥ Where do you eat out most as a couple? pizza... I think thats why I gained so much weight. I like to blame it on him anyway.
♥ Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? Ensenada, Mexico
♥ Who has the craziest exes? Scott mostly just jerky ones, mine are all pretty normail
♥ Who has the worst temper? Me for sure
♥ Who does the cooking? Right now Scott, But I used to when I was able to stay at home and have all day to do it.
♥ Who is more social? Do you know Scott?????? For sure me
♥ Who is the neat-freak? I cant stand a mess just ask Scott
♥ Who is more stubborn? We both are probably the same. Dont get me wrong I can hold a grudge
♥ Who hogs the bed? Depends on if is cold or not, but we are both pretty good
♥ Who wakes up earlier? Well I have to be at work at 3:00am So I would say that 1:30am comes early So me for sure
♥ Where was your first date? We hung out alot. I dont really remember a first date
♥ Who has the bigger family? ME for sure
♥ Do you get flowers often? Once the whole time I have known the man
♥ How do you spend the holidays? With family and the kids
♥ Who is more jealous? Neither we are both pretty secure in our marriage
♥ How long did it take to get serious? Not long at all
♥ Who eats more? Scott can eat believe it or not
♥ Who does/ did the laundry? I have done most of the laundry, but he does it now
♥ Who’s better with the computer? I am better at typing and he is better with programs and such
♥ Who drives when you are together? Me, and only because of my recent illness
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Great Buys

So I thought I would post a blog about my great buys. So if you know me well I never pay full price for anything, unless its food(I don't really have a choice with that one). I have gotten alot of comments on how my kids are always dressed in name brand. Now with that being said remember I never pay full price for anything. And I have a wonderful sister who dresses her girls really cute, and Ashlynn gets alot of hand me downs. So why buy cloths at Walmart for the same price you can buy name brand cloths at any other store. For example The pair of shoes above are Puma's for my son. I bought them for a whole $12.00. Now if you can recall how much are shoes at Payless. Ummm.... Around the same price right. If not maybe even more. I should have taken more pictures of some other things I have boughten for the kids, but I didnt. I got another pair of shoes for my son they are some really cute Crocs, yes name brand again. I bought them for $10.00 and we stopped by a croc store in Oregon, and I kid you not the same freakin shoes were $30.00. You just have to be at the right place at the right time, and know where to shop also. So just to clear the air I am a bargin shopper. Dont be afraid to walk into an expensive store you can and will find things you like for great prices.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
A little late, but here is our Oregon trip.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
A Text I got from Scott today.
"A commercial came on for Thomas the Train and Coleton said 'that's for me'! Then a makeup commercial came on and he said 'that's for mommy!' then the next commercial comes on and he said 'that's for daddy!' I look over and its a commercial for Tide. What a little butt."
I guess that's what you get when you play mom right?
I guess that's what you get when you play mom right?
Monday, February 2, 2009
Going to the park AGAIN

It is just to nice outside to not go to the park. I had to take these pictures cause my kids will never let me put hats on them, And I think they just look so cute.
So I have posted what has been going on the last little while. This is why I have not posted earlier. We have been busy having fun.
I also got a phone call from Ashlynn's teacher at school, and she said that Ashlynn has exceeded all her goals for the year and that we needed to set some new ones. So I went to the school today to go over this with the teacher. She is doing really well, and the teacher informed me that she has a boyfriend at school. The good thing about it is at least he is LDS, and I know his mom. But still scary, and Ashlynn is not afraid to tell you what her boyfriends name is. Oh boy it starts so young. It is kind of cute.
Coleton is growing up so fast and cracks us up all the time. He has a special talent. He can poop on demand. I know like I said SPECIAL talent. The kid always wants a piece of candy. So he poops like 10 times a day on command.
Scott is back in school. His load is a little lighter than it was last semester, but still taking rough classes.
I am working my little behind off, and trying to take care of appointments. IEP's for Ashlynn, and taking care of the kids so Scott can study for school. So I rarely have time to post anything. I do try. I am finishing up a 4 day weekend that was full of things to do. Scott and I got to go on a date thanks to Scott brother Ben who invited all the kids over for a slumber party. So we went to dinner and a movie. It was nice to get out. We never get that chance anymore.
Saturday is a special day.....

...Its a day to get ready for Sunday. I put curlers in Ashlynn's hair for church and she is really funny about having things in her hair when she goes to bed. He expressions say it all. I thought is was cute, and was going to get a picture of the after math, and totally never had a moment to stop. We had two baby blessings, a luncheon, and the super bowl party. It was a big day. And then we ended our day with an intense game that we lost.
Going to the Zoo
The cutest kids ever. Ashlynn and Rylon

Auntie and Ashlynn

Riding the rides

All the cousins playing at the playground. I thought this was a cute picture

My cute kids.

Ashlynn and Coleton playing at the play ground at the zoo

Watching the Sharks with Auntie

Ashlynn and Rylon watching the fish

Scott touching a Starfish. We were petting stingrays but I did not get a picture of that.

This was what we did the next day that Aunt Kathy was in town. My kids love the zoo. We had a ton of fun there. There are some things that we did that I didnt get on my camera. But we went on a fun log ride. And brought our lunches and ate tons.

Auntie and Ashlynn

Riding the rides

All the cousins playing at the playground. I thought this was a cute picture

My cute kids.

Ashlynn and Coleton playing at the play ground at the zoo

Watching the Sharks with Auntie

Ashlynn and Rylon watching the fish

Scott touching a Starfish. We were petting stingrays but I did not get a picture of that.

This was what we did the next day that Aunt Kathy was in town. My kids love the zoo. We had a ton of fun there. There are some things that we did that I didnt get on my camera. But we went on a fun log ride. And brought our lunches and ate tons.
BBQ fun.
My cute little Coleton at the park

This is the cutest happiest baby ever

All the kids enjoying their hot dogs

Ashlynn rolling down the hill while Eyrlin watches

And finally the car ride home. Packed in Aunt Kathy's car. A little dagerous but still obeying the law.

My sister an her kids decided to come into town for a few days, and so we had a BBQ, and went to the new part of the zoo, and just had some fun.

This is the cutest happiest baby ever

All the kids enjoying their hot dogs

Ashlynn rolling down the hill while Eyrlin watches

And finally the car ride home. Packed in Aunt Kathy's car. A little dagerous but still obeying the law.

My sister an her kids decided to come into town for a few days, and so we had a BBQ, and went to the new part of the zoo, and just had some fun.
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