I decided that I had better post something so people don't think I fell off the face of the earth. My life has been really busy lately, and I have a whole week off of being terrible busy.
We have had BEAUTIFUL weather in the desert. It has been in the 70's, and this is the only time of year that I like Arizona, but aside from that I hate it. No surprise to anyone that knows me. But it has been great, but this only means that it is going to be scorching hot sooner. You cant win. We went to the park yesterday, and it was windy and just so nice. We went and looked at the ducks, and let the kids play at the park. On Saturday we went swimming, and got some sun.
I am really excited I get to go to Las Vegas in 2 weeks all by my self with my sisters. No kids, and no husband. This will be the first time I get to go out of town without any kids. I know crazy, but I am really excited to have 4 days with no kids. AHHHH that will be great. Thanks to the wonderful inlaws that I have. I am really lucky to have such great inlaws. Not many people can say that they like there inlaws. but i love mine.
The kids are doing great. Ashlynn is still getting all of her screening so she can get in home care. I cant wait until this is all over, and she is just getting the help she needs. She is really smart and is doing really well. She is still not perfect at the whole potty training thing, but she is doing good enough. Coleton is just hitting the terrible twos, and he is not going to be pleasant. He gets really mad and he lets you know, by hitting, yelling, screaming, kicking. what ever he can control at the time. He is pretty fun when he is happy. He has a really funny personality, we are loving his cute moments that he has at times. He loves to boss everyone around. Scott is just loving school which is weird, but that is just him. He loves to learn. He will be quiting work in the fall, and just going to school. I think he is looking forward to getting rid of that stress. He gets really great grades. Learning just comes so easy to him. Good thing!!! I am just trying to keep up on all four of my callings, and hope I can keep up with everything come time I start school, work, callings and kids. I might have an emotional break down. But we will see. Other than that I am doing great and loving the weather. Loving my kids, and my husband. I just never see him.
Waves of jealousy are filling my head right now as I look at those beautiful pictures of the sun! Part of the snow has melted so we can see some patches of grass, but more snow is expected this week so I'm sure that won't last long. I can't picture Colton having fits like that. He was such a sweet boy when you guys were here. I guess thats what being 2 does to a kid! Have fun in Vegas, when you have your emotional breakdown you can have my shoulder to cry on (over the phone at least!). PS. When I was driving home today I saw a silver Volvo and thought of Edward...yes I am obsessed.
Four callings?!?! That's crazy! What are they? I remember once I had two, and I thought it was a bit much. Glad you get to go out of town and take a break... even if it is to a place like Las Vegas. Just kidding. I think it's growing on me... a little bit. I'm so happy that you guys are all doing so good and that Scott's still loving school. You guys are awesome!
Busy is much better than idle!
Sorry about not getting back to you yet. We'd LOVE to see you, so come by! I'm pretty much always here. I'm not sure what your plans with your family are, but we will be home Sunday all day after church, and all day Tuesday, if either of those work for you. Can't wait to see you!
Happy Birthday Colton! I was just thinking about celebrating his birthday last year. Life does have its ups and downs. I hope I can see you when you are in town- I know there are alot of people to visit. We could do an old fashion sleep over!
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