Thursday, February 7, 2008

Ashlynn's 2nd "Early Childhood Intervention" Evaluation

We took Ashlynn in for her second evaluation with a speech pathologist. They think that Ashlynn might have some form of Autism, but they will not be able to give a formal diagnosis until she is enrolled in the early intervention program. But all of her communication delays, and repetative behavoirs, are some things to be concerned about. So I am going in for a third evaluation within the next 60 days, and they will be able to give me the formal approval to put her into the program. She has to go to school 3 days a week from 8-1. I am really excited to find out more about her, and how to help her communicate, and things that I can do at home. They told me that she has alot of good qualities going for her. In the sense that she trys to communicate just in a different way. They told me the other good thing is that she will have 3 years of the intervention till she will be in kindergarten, and they hope that she will be as good as normal when she enters kindergarten. Most kids only get a year maybe two. So that is the word as of right now. If Ashlynn is diagnosed with Autism I have to take all of the kids that I have to be evaluated cause it is hereditary.


Denise said...

Autism is a scary word, but hopefully because you have taken her in early everything will be ok. The class sounds a lot better going from 8-1 instead of all day. Give her a big hug from us.

the W* family said...

I'm glad that she will be able to get into the program. It must be frustrating not being able to communicate with her completely. She's such a doll, and you are so great to have taken her in so early. We're thinking of you.

Vanessa said...

I seriously never would have guessed. Good luck. That's great the resources they have now!

Stephanie said...

It's amazing how they all come with their unique personalities and challenges...

My suggestion to you is to follow your heart...I am sure during all of this you will get a million and a half differing opinions from doctors,family, and friends...listen to it, take it under consideration, pray about it, and then do what you feel is best for Ashlynn...Your the mom and YOU DO KNOW BEST! You were chosen to be her mom because you are the one with the capacity to give her the most of what she really needs...rely on that for those really hard days...

It sounds like you are already doing everything you can, You're a great mom!