Thursday, February 21, 2008
Phsycologist Appointment
So today we met with the Phsycologist, and he said that he would be comfortable with diagnosing Ashlynn with Autism. He said that he was contracted through Dysart Early Intervention that they do not allow him to diagnos them until they are in kidergarten. So he gave me some information so that I can get her some outside help as well as early intervention preschool. So she will get a diagnosis, and they will have her go to preschool about 3 days a week, and then she gets another person that comes in 20 hours a week to work with her one on one. So she is going to be worked with LOTS. The person that comes 20 hours a week they really refer to them as free babysitters. They say that because parents are so busy they do not have 20 hours a week to entirley devote to one child. So they have people come in that will help Ashlynn with everyday life skills. So she will start preschool in the next two months, and then we go through another screening for the one on one care. Boy between school, and getting Ashlynn all the help she needs I am going to be really busy.
School, School, and more School!!!
I have been doing alot of research about where in the world (literaly) we can apply to get Scott into the Doctorate of Pharmacy program. We only want the schools that have the three year program.This being becasue you get done a few years earlier. However they say that 60-70% of the people that get accepted have a bachlors degree. Well they only take 96 people a year our of 1900 at midwestern. You can do the math. But good news!!! Scott is tri-lingual. Big plus. Not only that but he is getting fantastic grades. Another big plus. Now we just have to see how he does on his PCAT (Pharmacy College Assesment Testing) exam. He has to be in the top 80% to be considered. This is all for Midwestern University here in Arizona. Our wishes are that he gets accepted for the summer of 09. Sounds far away, but the application process is very extensive. He has to start the process in JUNE. I almost had a heart attack. All the things that have to get done before that. Not to mention that Scott's sister is getting married. I am going to be in school. and he is working full time, and does not have alot of time. The other 2 schools that we have found he can not apply for they require two or three more classes before he can apply. So he can not apply for those until August of 2009. But I found a three Pharm D program in OREGON. Oh boy am I so happy. Not only that but they are less competitve than the other two. They only get 500 applications a year and take 96 people. So that should not be as hard to get into. I would love to go back to Oregon that is home to me.
Anyway aside from school, things are great here in the valley of the sun. We had a really good thunderstorm last night. That was awesome. We are expecting more rain, and I love the rain. We were able to go to the zoo and enjoy 76 degree weather on Tuesday. And it was a blast. Ashlynn is going for a Phsycology appointment today so maybe we will get more info on her. I am sure i will post about that later. Coleton is getting so big we offten for get that he is not even two yet. Although he will be in a few weeks. Scott is doing great in school and work. They love him at work, but he is going to have to quit so he can get into a pharmacy. I am starting classes on the 17th of March to become a Phlebotomist. I am excited about drawing blood. I think it is going to be fun. I should be done before the end of the fall semester. So needless to say we are going to be busy. but that is the life we live. All is well. everyone is healthy, and that is the most important.
Anyway aside from school, things are great here in the valley of the sun. We had a really good thunderstorm last night. That was awesome. We are expecting more rain, and I love the rain. We were able to go to the zoo and enjoy 76 degree weather on Tuesday. And it was a blast. Ashlynn is going for a Phsycology appointment today so maybe we will get more info on her. I am sure i will post about that later. Coleton is getting so big we offten for get that he is not even two yet. Although he will be in a few weeks. Scott is doing great in school and work. They love him at work, but he is going to have to quit so he can get into a pharmacy. I am starting classes on the 17th of March to become a Phlebotomist. I am excited about drawing blood. I think it is going to be fun. I should be done before the end of the fall semester. So needless to say we are going to be busy. but that is the life we live. All is well. everyone is healthy, and that is the most important.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Valentine Survey
What is his name? Scott
How long have you been married? 4years and 6 months
How long did you date? I dont really know but we were engagged for 5 months
How old his he? 28
Who eats more? Well I eat more frequently during the day, but I cant eat a whole pizza in one sitting.
Who said I love you first? I did. Scott is really shy.
Who is taller? Scott
Who can sing better? Hmm probably Scott he is a pretty good singer.
Who is smarter? Def Scott
Who does the laundry? Me.
Who pays the bills? Me.
Who sleeps on the right side? I do, because the alarm clock is on the left side, and he insists on sleeping by it, in order to snooze it about 10 times each morning.
Who mows the lawn? My dad
Who cooks dinner? Well if it gets cooked then I do it.
Who drives? I do otherwise i get car sick
Who is more stubborn? Hmmm we are probably the same
Who kissed who first? It was pretty mutual. That is a hard question. I just remember that it was in front of my parents house.
Who asked who out first? We just went out. I dont really know. I have terrible memory
Who proposed? Scott did.
Who has more friends? I do. Scott does not like to have friends
Who is more sensitive? Definitely me.
Who has more siblings? Me
Who wears the pants? Probably me. I am just really assertive, and pushy. so I am. Scott is just a go with the flow.
How long have you been married? 4years and 6 months
How long did you date? I dont really know but we were engagged for 5 months
How old his he? 28
Who eats more? Well I eat more frequently during the day, but I cant eat a whole pizza in one sitting.
Who said I love you first? I did. Scott is really shy.
Who is taller? Scott
Who can sing better? Hmm probably Scott he is a pretty good singer.
Who is smarter? Def Scott
Who does the laundry? Me.
Who pays the bills? Me.
Who sleeps on the right side? I do, because the alarm clock is on the left side, and he insists on sleeping by it, in order to snooze it about 10 times each morning.
Who mows the lawn? My dad
Who cooks dinner? Well if it gets cooked then I do it.
Who drives? I do otherwise i get car sick
Who is more stubborn? Hmmm we are probably the same
Who kissed who first? It was pretty mutual. That is a hard question. I just remember that it was in front of my parents house.
Who asked who out first? We just went out. I dont really know. I have terrible memory
Who proposed? Scott did.
Who has more friends? I do. Scott does not like to have friends
Who is more sensitive? Definitely me.
Who has more siblings? Me
Who wears the pants? Probably me. I am just really assertive, and pushy. so I am. Scott is just a go with the flow.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Ashlynn's 2nd "Early Childhood Intervention" Evaluation
We took Ashlynn in for her second evaluation with a speech pathologist. They think that Ashlynn might have some form of Autism, but they will not be able to give a formal diagnosis until she is enrolled in the early intervention program. But all of her communication delays, and repetative behavoirs, are some things to be concerned about. So I am going in for a third evaluation within the next 60 days, and they will be able to give me the formal approval to put her into the program. She has to go to school 3 days a week from 8-1. I am really excited to find out more about her, and how to help her communicate, and things that I can do at home. They told me that she has alot of good qualities going for her. In the sense that she trys to communicate just in a different way. They told me the other good thing is that she will have 3 years of the intervention till she will be in kindergarten, and they hope that she will be as good as normal when she enters kindergarten. Most kids only get a year maybe two. So that is the word as of right now. If Ashlynn is diagnosed with Autism I have to take all of the kids that I have to be evaluated cause it is hereditary.
Monday, February 4, 2008
My Brothers Dog!!!

There is quite a history with this little guy. He does not have a name yet. My brother decided to get his wife a dog while she was out of town. She has really been wanting one. He wanted a small house dog, and she wanted something that would let her know if someone was breaking in. So this is what they decided on. He is a toy Chihuahua. He is super adorable.
My brother picked him out because he was the runt of the litter, and they are supposed to be the most valuable. Well he was really sick. I had to watch the dog over night while my brother worked, and the dog was very lethargic, and would not move and could not even keep his head up. So my mom and I decided to got to "Pratt's Feed", and get the dog a bottle, and try to force feed him, I was worried that it would not make it through the night. So we got him some formula, and a bottle and i had to feed him every 2 hours. He was still really sick, but i was not going to let him die on my time. My sister-in-law came into town, and at this time the dog started to form a big lump on his head. It was pussing a little. I thought he was going to die. My sister-in-law took him to the vet first thing Monday morning. The vet said that he was so dehydrated that she could not give him and IV but that they would keep him all day, and try to nurse him back to health. They Vet told my sister-in-law that he was very bad off, and would probably not make it through the weekend. My sister-in-law was upset, they have had to puppies die on them for various reasons. Mostley that they were just sick. So my sister-in-law went back that night to pick the dog up, and the doctor said that the dog most likely had fluid on his brain, and it was common in this breed, and that he was not going to live. So the vet gave my sister-in-law some things to do from home to see if he would respond. And he did. She has to give him caro syrup every morning and night. She has not done it for the last three days and the dog is doing really well. I have to babysit her kids today, and she wanted me to watch the dog also. So I took some pictures of him. He is so TINY.
He is really healthy and happy, and the stuff above his right eye is were the lump was the was pussing, It was the size of a bouncy ball, and now it is almost gone.
Super Bowl XLII
Well the super bowl is over. I did not want to leave the house at all this weekend considering we live 7 miles from the main event. Traffic was crazy, Helicopters over our house all day. They had a no fly zone within 35 miles of the stadium so they had helicopters gaurding. So tomorrow it should be okay to leave the house. Today is the last day of the "NFL experiance" So hopefully everyone will be going home.
Scott got to do Valet out in Scottsdale this weekend where the FBR Open was held. they parked 109,000 cars on Friday, and i did not get a count for saturday. At least he never told me what it was. He did not see anyone famous at least that he recognized. But he loved driving nice cars. He got to drive my dream car. Oh boy am I jealous. So that is the excitement for us this weekend. We were really happy that the Giants won. Scott did not wan the Patriots to win. I got to sit and watch the last half of the game. I keep on getting sick, and it feels like morning sickness, but considering I have the Mirina IUD in that would be really bad if it was morning sickness. We should be getting approved for health insurance here pretty quick so we shall see. Anyway I was sick yesterday.
I started a new thing with nursery yesterday, and I am not sure what to do. Everyone really like the idea of spliting into 4 classes and rotating, but they would like it to be less overwhelming, but I dont know what to change about it. So if you have any ideas let me know. Right now we are split into 4 classes of 5 kids, and we rotate to 4 different rooms. Snack, Sining, lesson, and activity. So please give me ideas of what your wards do. Or how i can make it less overwhelming for the teachers.
So my post is really boring, but that is how things are. Nothing big has been going on. We are just hanging out and waiting for Scott to finish school. I start taking classes to be a Phlebotomist in 2 months. So that will be fun to poke and stick people. Hopefully I will be a good Phlebotomist.
Scott got to do Valet out in Scottsdale this weekend where the FBR Open was held. they parked 109,000 cars on Friday, and i did not get a count for saturday. At least he never told me what it was. He did not see anyone famous at least that he recognized. But he loved driving nice cars. He got to drive my dream car. Oh boy am I jealous. So that is the excitement for us this weekend. We were really happy that the Giants won. Scott did not wan the Patriots to win. I got to sit and watch the last half of the game. I keep on getting sick, and it feels like morning sickness, but considering I have the Mirina IUD in that would be really bad if it was morning sickness. We should be getting approved for health insurance here pretty quick so we shall see. Anyway I was sick yesterday.
I started a new thing with nursery yesterday, and I am not sure what to do. Everyone really like the idea of spliting into 4 classes and rotating, but they would like it to be less overwhelming, but I dont know what to change about it. So if you have any ideas let me know. Right now we are split into 4 classes of 5 kids, and we rotate to 4 different rooms. Snack, Sining, lesson, and activity. So please give me ideas of what your wards do. Or how i can make it less overwhelming for the teachers.
So my post is really boring, but that is how things are. Nothing big has been going on. We are just hanging out and waiting for Scott to finish school. I start taking classes to be a Phlebotomist in 2 months. So that will be fun to poke and stick people. Hopefully I will be a good Phlebotomist.
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