So today was a normal day. I sent Ashlynn off on the bus to go to school, and carried on with my day. Then it was time for her to come home, and the bus pulls up about the same time as it usually does, and I walked up to the bus to get her off the bus. Normally Ashlynn is very spunky and skips off the bus and goes into the house and gets a drink, and heads up stairs and starts playing. Well today was different....The doors to the bus opened and she looked like she had been crying for a while. Her eyes were all swollen, and she was very upset. The bus assistant begins to tell me that she did not know what was wrong with her, and that she just all of a sudden started crying. Then she says I dont know if the little girl next to her did something to her or not. So I just said thats fine she will be okay. I did not want to get defensive until I did my own investigating. If you know me at all I am a very good investigator. I think I might be in the wrong profession. Anyway...So Ashlynn came in and was still crying. So I told her so go potty and then I wanted to see if she had any evidence of an issue to cry. Ashlynn does not just get upset like this. So she came over to me, and this is what I saw......

....HMMMMMMMMM weird kind of looks like a kid MAULED my child, and you couldnt see it. WEIRD.....Right!!!!! So needless to say I am a little upset that the bus assistant sat on the bus with my child, and he only job is to watch the kids. Mind you she is on a bus with a bunch of challenged kids with behavior issues and such. I am so irritated, but I dont know what to do about it. If you have any suggestions let me know??? I mean if you look close enough the kid bit her two times and she has a scratch on her face, and a scratch under her eye. Was the assistant sleeping or what???? Please give me some advice. I need it.
Yea I would be straight up pissed. You know me I hate that word. You better call and report this ASAP!
This is your daughter!!! What do I think? Seriously, get on that phone!!!
Call the principal/director of the school and let them know. Ask what they are going to do about it and make sure you tell the assistant that Ashlynn is not to sit by that kid (can't remember if it was a girl or boy) ever again.
I would be so upset, too. I'm assuming it's the assistant's job to keep the kids from fighting, and to make sure things like this don't happen. Call the principal. Poor Ashlynn... that's crazy.
Hey there! I would talk to the school. That's serious. Oh, and I posted!
What's the ratio of kids to this one assistant?? Maybe try not to be to mad at her for not noticing (unless she only has like 3 kids to watch over), but it definitely need to be brought to her attention and to the attention of that kids' parents (whether through the school or you it depends). Sometimes kids-especially ones with special needs-don't know how to express themselves so they lash out. It's just unfortunate that your punkin' had to be the target.
I have calmed down a little now!! I really think you need to consider the kids that are on the bus with her. I definately think you need to bring it to their attention and if it happens again then I would get a little more angry.
I just love Ashlynn and the defensive Aunt came out!! Good Luck with that!
That makes me so mad that, that happened to Ashlynn. That assistant needs to fired!! You need to call the school and the bus company and get that person out of there.
Regardless of who was on that bus, it should not have happened. PERIOD. Take the photographs into the office IN PERSON. Don't just call it won't give this the attention that it needs. YOU absolutely have the right to protect your daughter from this happening EVER again. And if the school or bus system won't address the problem correctly go to the district... and if they don't fix it...get a lawyer. (I'm not just saying that because my husband is one, it is true that you need the problem fixed asap. This really is that serious.)
I agree with the other comments. I would not let it slide. The bus assistant obviously wasn't doing his/her job. Poor Ashlynn!
That makes me so sad! Please update us and let us know what comes of it.
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