Sunday, November 30, 2008

White Tanks

We went and hiked the White Tanks they are the mountains that are about 10 miles from our house. When you hike up the trail, and at the end of the trail there is a waterfall, but I did not get a picture of the waterfall. I did not hop the rocks, but Scott and the kids did. We also went with some of my family, so you will see some pictures of them on here also.

Coleton loves doing hair

Coleton really loves doing dad's hair. He just will brush and brush any ones hair. In some of the pictures he is trying to put a bow in Scott's hair.


This girl is hilarious. This is Brylee posing for the camera.

Ashlynn and Eyrlin. I love Eyrlin's pose she is adorable

I had to work on Thanksgiving, but it was okay I got to dinner just as everyone had just finished dishing up their plates. I had a good Thanksgiving. My sisters from Vegas came. Then we went to Scott's family Thanksgiving just as everyone was cleaning up. I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. I have to much to be thankful for, I will save that for a different post. So I guess I did not take any pictures of Coleton on Thanksgiving. I did not get many pictures, but here is what I do have.

Friday, November 28, 2008

"Stone Soup"

So on Wednesday I was able to go to Ashlynn's class and have stone soup, and the kids also made their own butter. They had a little program, and we had soup, bread, and some homemade pumpkin pudding. Everything was really good but the pumpkin pudding. Ashlynn was able to show me all around her class room, and she showed me all her friends. She is doing so well. She love school. And everything with the bus is taken care of. They filed and incident report, and I spoke to her bus drivers, and the little girl that did this to Ashlynn is not allowed to sit with any other kids, and for the time being I am content with that.

Monday, November 24, 2008

These are some serious moves watch out.

Coleton is always making us laugh. He just says the funniest things and he does the funniest things. This toy he is playing with is one of the worlds most annoying toys, and he loves it. I dont know it this might me why.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


So today was a normal day. I sent Ashlynn off on the bus to go to school, and carried on with my day. Then it was time for her to come home, and the bus pulls up about the same time as it usually does, and I walked up to the bus to get her off the bus. Normally Ashlynn is very spunky and skips off the bus and goes into the house and gets a drink, and heads up stairs and starts playing. Well today was different....The doors to the bus opened and she looked like she had been crying for a while. Her eyes were all swollen, and she was very upset. The bus assistant begins to tell me that she did not know what was wrong with her, and that she just all of a sudden started crying. Then she says I dont know if the little girl next to her did something to her or not. So I just said thats fine she will be okay. I did not want to get defensive until I did my own investigating. If you know me at all I am a very good investigator. I think I might be in the wrong profession. Anyway...So Ashlynn came in and was still crying. So I told her so go potty and then I wanted to see if she had any evidence of an issue to cry. Ashlynn does not just get upset like this. So she came over to me, and this is what I saw......

....HMMMMMMMMM weird kind of looks like a kid MAULED my child, and you couldnt see it. WEIRD.....Right!!!!! So needless to say I am a little upset that the bus assistant sat on the bus with my child, and he only job is to watch the kids. Mind you she is on a bus with a bunch of challenged kids with behavior issues and such. I am so irritated, but I dont know what to do about it. If you have any suggestions let me know??? I mean if you look close enough the kid bit her two times and she has a scratch on her face, and a scratch under her eye. Was the assistant sleeping or what???? Please give me some advice. I need it.

Feeding the ducks

So today we went and fed the ducks, and went to the library and went out for dinner. I have to find things to do with the kids while Scott is at school. Otherwise I get really tired, and want to sleep. So this is the second time we have gone and fed the ducks this week. The kids love it, but I dont think that Coleton will be feeding the ducks anymore, He had a duck take bread out of his fingers twice, and he did not like it. They were really agressive. The other cool thing was that we would throw food to the ducks in the water and these big fish would beat the ducks to the bread, I got some video of it so I will post that also.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

dog sitting Stitch

We are dog sitting my brothers dog. Check this thing out. these are two of Ashlynn's stuffed animals with the dog. And a picture of Ashlynn with the do as well. He is so small.

Happy Birthday Ashlynn

Birthday Girl

Ashlynn's purse that she got for her birthday. You can get your own to. Go to my link "Signed with Stitches"

Coleton kept on telling us while we were setting up the dollhouse that he was going to break it. Well he didn't break it he just drew on the bed and piano.

Here is the dollhouse. She loves it so much.

And here are the kids with the dollhouse they have to take pictures with everything these days. So we had to add this one on to.

All in all we had a fun day with Ashlynn. I had to work today so we celebrated yesterday. He dad took cupcakes into her classroom today. She loves birthdays.

As far as Halloween pictures go. I did not take a single picture with my camera, but my inlaws did. I am just waiting for someone to email me pictures so I will post them as soon as I get them.