Sunday, March 1, 2009

mom to mom

So I have been really frustrated lately with my daughter Ashlynn. As you may or may not know she is autistic. We have been potty training her since she was 18 months old. We have been going through a constant roller coaster of thinking she has graduated, and is a big girl now, and then three weeks later she is back to having an accident everyday. The most frustrating thing is that she will have #2 accidents only, for a few weeks, and then she will only have #1 accidents for a few weeks, and then some weeks she will have both. And so on. I am getting to the point that I don't know what to do. I have taken her to the doctor. He just tells me she will get it. Then I ask other moms they don't know what to tell me cause she is special. I just have run out of energy. I am trying not to compare her, but she is 4 already, and if you do the math on that this has gone on way to long. I am worried they wont take her in kindergarten because she is not potty trained. Oh what to do. If you have any advice, any books I can read anything I can do please let me know.

Coleton on the other hand is totally potty trained so just as I was beginning to think it was me as a mom, I stand corrected, my boy showed me that I can do it. Congrats Coleton. So I know I can do it I just am getting discouraged with her.



the W* family said...

I don't know what to tell you, other than you're doing a great job, and to keep on being patient. Honestly, Adam is almost 6 and still has the occasional accident (and kids in his kindergarten class have them all of the time). I had a friend whose daughter wasn't trained until she was 8. I really, really think that potty training is something that kids have to do when they're ready. One thing that helped with Adam, and I don't know if this will work with Ashlynn, but we let him choose a cool watch with an alarm feature. We set it for every hour, and when it beeped, he would have to go try. He would just get so busy playing and would forget... so having the watch helped him learn to recognize it.

You are a great mom, and Ashlynn is doing awesome. Hang in there!

Mike West said...

My youngest sister was in at least 1st or 2nd grade before she was fully potty trained. They usually figure it out eventually

cuthbertsonclan said...

Katie, I am certainly no expert, but after being so frustrated with Bryan, my Mom bought him the Potty Watch. Google it and it might work for Ashlyn. It's cheap and clever. I loved it and would highly recomend it! Good Luck. rebecca

Denise said...

I know this isn't what you want to hear, but I would say just ride it out. Carly still has occasional #1accidents - I think they all do at this age. With Ashlynn's special circumstances I don't know that there is anything you can do other than keep teaching her. You are a good mom and Ashlynn is a good kid. You just have some extra challenges. I know, it's not what you want to hear. Of course, you could always bribe her with lots and lots of candy!!!!

Adam Jensen said...

I totally understand your frustration.. well sort of. I guess I worry about it with Hayden. Potty training Kyler has been hard enough... We have been going at it for a year and he is finally getting the #1 part down, but he still has accidents.... every so often. and He has never gone #2 in the toilet and I don't know when he will. I just have to let go and wait I guess. Kyler is very stubborn! The doctors stated it as strong willed :) anyway... I wish I had specific advice. I know with Hayden I have found an online forum for parents of children with down syndrome and it has been so helpful to me. Maybe you could google something like that with autism?

Denise said...

We'd LOVE to have you come visit. Just let me know. We may be coming down there in a couple weeks to visit my sis, but fly into phoenix and hang with you guys for the day and then rent a car and drive to tucson. I'll call you when we decide.

Whitney said...

Nick did not potty trained until he was 4 1/2 and Cody was 4. So I do understand being frustrated and feeling like you are not a good mom, but she will get it when she is ready. Just keep up the good work and try to stay patient with her.

Molly said...

You should look into a support group in your area or online. I know that it helps to talk to other people who are in a similar situation. Just do the best you can & that is ALWAYS enough!

Stephanie said...

Stick to it, she will get it eventually!

A few ideas:
I made Brendan clean up his own messes after he was 4- at that point it's his choice that he's not going to the bathroom when he knows how to. For our house it's always just that something is more exciting than running to the bathroom.

When you have to shower them, cold showers after they have an accident-it doesn't take very long to learn! :) Worked for Emma.

And last, I always said that the 1st accident a day is a freebee. Accidents happen. The second one is "oh we are not being a big kid today? Ok- that means no big kid activities- a nap, AND early to bed." The third one is back in a pullup.