So I am a blog hopper and I love reading all different things about people I don't even know. I know that might be a little weird, or maybe everyone does it, but I know I do. With that being said. I am so grateful for the health and strength of my family. I know that we have had our trials, but I would take mine over some of the other blogs I have read about children being close to death. Loved ones dying, and some other sad situations out there. Man I am so thankful for my trials. I know that might be odd, but it could be so much worse. I cant help but to thank my Heavenly Father for all that he has given me, and be thankful for the small trials I have. Some people just never get a break. I always think to myself that I am so blessed because I have so many family members that pray and have faith in the Lord. I have so many nieces and nephews that have silly little request in there prayers, but I truly have faith and know that Heavenly Father answers even the silliest of prayers.
I am thankful for my In laws I have the best In laws ever. I have married into the most wonderful family you could imagine. I love them so much, and am so thankful for the relationship that I have with them.
I am so thankful for my husband who does so much for our family. Working and studying so hard so that he can provide for the family. I am grateful for the faith he has in the gospel, because you have to have strong faith to put up with me. I love you so much. Thanks for all you do. I know its not easy being a stay at home dad, and trying to study, but you do a fantastic job at it.
I am thankful for my family my parents are so wonderful to put up with my family while we go to school. I have the best sisters ever who are my best friends, and I tell everything to. I love love love my sisters. They are the best. I love my brothers for the hard work that they do to keep us safe, and try and get bad guys off the streets.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE my adorable children. They are just the best kids, and anyone that knows them closely know that they are just really good well behaved, and just good kids.
I am so thankful for all my friends that I have. Each one of my fiends gives me something that I will always take with me for the rest of my life, and for that I am so grateful for.
Thanks everyone. Happy Holidays. I hope everyone enjoys they Holiday season.