Last weekend I was able to spend a weekend with my sisters and sister-in-laws. Not all of them though, we only had 8. It was awesome we were able to hear from a number of song artists, and book authors. The event was hosted by Micheal McClain. What an inspirational and motivating event. It was awesome. If you live in a state that they have not come to yet, please go. It was awesome.
We are going again in February up in Vegas and i cant wait. Then the next year we are going to the one in Oregon. I also have the chance to go to the "Forgotten Carols" with Micheal McClain, and i am excited for that. I will post pictures later as they come available. My sister in law was the only one that brought the camera. so we are waiting for that email.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
We did it!

Ashlynn has finally graduated potty training. She goes all by herself, and loves it. I am so happy to only be down to one diaper to change. But it wont be long before Coleton is ready. He shows lots of intrest. However he likes to call his underwear "Panies" for some reason between his gay walk and calling his underwear panties I think I should space out the training.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
It's in the 90's!!!....Yeah!

Well it has finally cooled off enough here in the desert, so that we can play outside. It is still in the 90's, but that is good enough. Here are some pictures of the kids last night playing with their cousins that I babysit. Ashlynn is being potty trained, and she is starting to get it finally. She still has more accidents than not, but at least some are getting in the potty.
So I am still really new at this, and I am trying to figure out how it works. So I am sending everyone a second invitation, so that you can write in my blog. I deleted everyone from my blog last night, and I have no idea how to get everyone back other that to invite you again.
Scott has an second interveiw today with a company that wants him to be a "Project Cordinator" we are not sure if it is something that we want or not until they tell us how much they are going to pay him. Otherwise Scott is still washing plains and taking 15 credit hours this semester, and he is doing really well.
Scott has an second interveiw today with a company that wants him to be a "Project Cordinator" we are not sure if it is something that we want or not until they tell us how much they are going to pay him. Otherwise Scott is still washing plains and taking 15 credit hours this semester, and he is doing really well.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Me too, Me too!!!
So I have decided that if all of my long distance friends are going to be bloggers then i should to. So here I am. It is going to be hard for me to post pictures, but I will do my best.
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