Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine Survey

What is his name? Scott

How long have you been married? 4years and 6 months

How long did you date? I dont really know but we were engagged for 5 months

How old his he? 28

Who eats more? Well I eat more frequently during the day, but I cant eat a whole pizza in one sitting.

Who said I love you first? I did. Scott is really shy.

Who is taller? Scott

Who can sing better? Hmm probably Scott he is a pretty good singer.

Who is smarter? Def Scott

Who does the laundry? Me.

Who pays the bills? Me.

Who sleeps on the right side? I do, because the alarm clock is on the left side, and he insists on sleeping by it, in order to snooze it about 10 times each morning.

Who mows the lawn? My dad

Who cooks dinner? Well if it gets cooked then I do it.

Who drives? I do otherwise i get car sick

Who is more stubborn? Hmmm we are probably the same

Who kissed who first? It was pretty mutual. That is a hard question. I just remember that it was in front of my parents house.

Who asked who out first? We just went out. I dont really know. I have terrible memory

Who proposed? Scott did.

Who has more friends? I do. Scott does not like to have friends

Who is more sensitive? Definitely me.

Who has more siblings? Me

Who wears the pants? Probably me. I am just really assertive, and pushy. so I am. Scott is just a go with the flow.


Denise said...

Hillarious! You do have a terrible memory! You guys work out great together. Happy Valentines Day!

Vanessa said...

Happy Belated Valentines Day!

Amanda said...

Ha ha. I got a good laugh out of the "How long have you been married?" q&a. I find it interesting that you guys got married one year after us and we have only been married 5 1/2 years. Is there something you're not telling us?